Targeted Family Support Services
Our Targeted Family Support Services is a project work implemented by DCJ which recognizes and supports vulnerable people with complex needs.
Our service identifies the crisis – financial difficulties, educational and developmental needs of families with young children coming from CALD background – and assess the concerns such as mental health and well-being as a first contact to case manage with an individualized strength-based approach by setting goals, giving advice or referring to more specialized services. We provide appropriate programs to develop awareness, build skills according to identified needs for the target groups.

How we can help
Our community development projects aim to empower and strengthen members of our targeted community to confidently raise their kids and built up awareness in needed subjects . We do this by developing:
- active consultations with communities to get to know the issues which affect their lives, setting goals for improvement and responding to problems and needs through empowerment and active participation in community programs which we customise, develop, and deliver
- project-based community work which focuses on geographical areas for community and social groups to improve social life
- community hubs to help improve the community’s connectedness and capacity by providing information and referral on local services, access to skills training, and a place for local groups to meet.
We also provide services under the Targeted Early Intervention Reforms whereby our community projects target children’s wellbeing between the ages of 0-3 and their families.
These include:
- Parental educational programs (eg. domestic violence, child development information sessions, early literacy awareness program)
- Life skills programs (eg. Safety programs like avoiding burns at home for kids and adults, internet safety, swim safe, driveway safety, health information awareness sessions like cervical; and breast cancer)
- Social participations (playgroups, story time sessions, children’s play parties, mum and dads’ breakfast, Auburn Library visit, cultural events celebrations)
- Community skills development (Centrelink online, child care subsidy transition presentation, programs to enhance language and literacy, TAFE applications)
Need help? Get in touch now
Australian Anatolian Community Services
50 Susan Street, Auburn New South Wales 2144, Australia
Phone: (02) 9643 1666 Email:
The Targeted Early Intervention Project is funded by and delivered with the partnership of Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).