Emergency Relief
This service is funded by the Australian Department of Social Services and provides relief to people who are at imminent risk of not being able to pay their debts, experiencing financial distress or hardship and who have limited means or resources to help them alleviate their financial crisis, to those in receipt of an Australian Government social welfare allowance, pension or benefit, people experiencing domestic and family violence, and immigrants/non-citizens, and experienced recent job loss with no income to help people address immediate basic needs in times of crisis.
- Emergency relief (food vouchers) to clients who experience financial hardship due to any unforeseen circumstances with required evidence of their circumstances.
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy (link is external) is a free and anonymous way to find national and local support. It includes services like housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice and many more.
How we can help
This service provides relief to those in financial need. We assist clients by providing vouchers which can be used for food from Woolworths to relieve the underlying causes of financial crisis which clients may be experiencing.
We assess severity of each problem to prioritize the needs. We identify the underlying causes of financial crisis and make referrals to other organizations for more intensive support such as financial counselling or mental health or alcohol and drugs support. This early intervention has shown better outcomes and future self-sufficiency for individuals and families to better manage their lives.
Need help? Get in touch now
Australian Anatolian Community Services
50 Susan Street, Auburn New South Wales 2144, Australia
Phone: (02) 9643 1666 Email: ana@anatolian.org.au
The Emergency Relief Service is funded by the Australian Department of Social Services (DSS).
Our Centre will be closed for Christmas holidays. If you need any emergency financial help during our holidays , please try to contact Emergency Relief providers below:
- Wesley Community Services Limited 98045200
- The Salvation Army Property Trust 1300111227
- The Hills Community Aid & Information Service Inc 96398620
- St Vincent De Paul Society NSW 131812
- Prosper Incorporated 0402787571
- Cumberland Multicultural Community Centre Incorporated 96377600
- Christian Community Aid Service Inc 98583222
- Australian Red Cross 1800733276
- Anglican Community Services 86248600
- Accessible Diversity Services Initiative Limited 87375500
List of Services to contact in EMERGENCY
- Lifeline 131114
- Kids Helpline 1800551800
- Beyond Blue 1300224636
- Domestic Violence Helpline 1800656463